All the Dwagons has all the cute dragons! From resin cast figures, necklaces and magnets, to pins, charms, stickers and lanyards of all your favorites! Including the Dragon Wings Ita Bag, find the perfect gift for any dragon lover!
I'm Larissa the artist of All the Dwagons! I love drawing and sculpting dragons and have been a convention artist for 7 years!
Shows I'll currently be attending, will update as I hear back from others! Have sold at 91 events so far!
2024 Conventions:
Further Confusion (San Jose) Jan 11-15th
Ikkicon (Austin) Jan 19-21st
Kami-con (Birmingham) Feb 9-11th
Anime Milwaukee (Milwaukee) Mar 8-10th
Kawaii Kon (Honolulu) Mar 29-31st
Anime Central (Chicago) May 17-19th
MomoCon (Atlanta) May 24-27th
Anime Expo (Los Angeles) July 4-7th
Tokyo OK (Tulsa) July 12-14th
Tekko (Pittsburgh) July 18-21st
Animefest (Arlington) July 25-28th
Anime Matsuri (Houston) Aug 8-11th
Dragon Con (Atlanta) Aug 29-Sept 2nd
Anime Banzai (Layton) Oct 18-20th
Past Conventions:
2023- Kami-con, Kawacon, Kawaii Kon, Anime Detour, MomoCon, Fanime, A-kon, Dreamhack Dallas, Anime Expo, Metrocon, Tokyo Ok, Tekko, Animefest, Anime Matsuri, Dragon Con, San Japan, Anime Houston, Anime North Texas, Anime Weekend Atlanta, Anime Dallas, Midwest Furfest, Holiday Matsuri
2022- Katsucon, Anime Central, Biggest Little Fur Con, A-kon, Anime Expo, Tekko, Animefest, Tokyo OK, Dragon Con, Anime Weekend Atlanta, Kumoricon, Anime Dallas, Holiday Matsuri
2021- Minna Art Market, Dragon Con, Tokyo OK, Biggest Little Fur Con, Anime Weekend Atlanta, Kumoricon, Tekko, Midwest Furfest, Holiday Matsuri, Ikkicon
2020- MAGfest, Kami-con, Katsucon, Texas Furry Fiesta
2019- MAGfest, Texas Furry Fiesta, Dallas Fan Expo, Anime Central, Sacanime Summer, A-kon, Tokyo in Tulsa, Animefest, San Japan, Dragon Con, Dallas Fan Days, Youmacon, Holiday Matsuri, Ikkicon
2018- Texas Furry Fiesta, Mini A-kon, All-con, South Campus Anime Convention, AMPX Con, Fanime, A-kon, Anime Central Texas, Tokyo in Tulsa, Animania Wichita Falls, Animefest, San Japan, Anime Sekai, Realmscon, Nomikai Dallas, Anime North Texas, Ikkicon
2017- Animefest, Anime North Texas